

Kairros provides professional advice on a range of health management and re-employment issues for employers, insurers and clients.

Over the last 12 months, Kairros has assisted 733 people with their recovery following a workplace injury or incident.

Kairros achieved a positive outcome for 91% of our clients returning to their same employer (last Financial Year)

Kairros sourced meaningful employment for 69.1% of our clients not returning to their same employer (last Financial Year)

Over the past 12 months, Kairros has seen the launch of new and innovative services to better assist our clients. We have further enhanced our delivery of services to people of Non English Speaking Background to ensure equal provision of quality services whilst considering the cultural requirements of the clients to  create a safe space for the client to engage and understand the support available.

We have also improved our provision of specific psychological services, using industry experts to assist in the development of the program and mentoring of key staff, providing an industry leading service. It has resulted in a growth of referrals to the product of 100%.


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